Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

Truths on Self-Confidence nobody Told you About

Joana Saahirah World
Truths on Self-Confidence nobody Told you About


Am I Self-Confident?

We can affirm that I am. Most of the time. 

I believe in myself - my inherent value, talents, and ability to make great things happen. 

Sometimes, I fall off that wagon - big time. Life throws me a punch and I doubt myself, I go back - even if for just a moment or a short season - to a disempowered place of victimhood, lack of self-trust, and amnesia. But, make no mistake, I know my way back home.



You can tell when you´ve gone astray...

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Give it to Yourself


Picture this (sorry in advance for the unpleasant image):

I have my period. 

I´m exhausted. Gloomy. Feeling like hell. And my inner demons crawl out from under my bed, like in a terror movie. 

On the mirror, I see a distorted reflection of a woman I used to know. I look at my swollen belly and aching breasts - I sigh; I turn around and observe my butt, my thighs, my back. For some reason I don´t care to scrutinize, I don´t like what I...

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"Alhamdulillah" - Motivational Message by Joana Saahirah

Joana Saahirah World
"Alhamdulillah" - Motivational Message by Joana Saahirah

Having lived and performed in Egypt for almost a decade meant three things:

1. The beginning of my international career in Egyptian Oriental and Folkloric Dance;

2. An in-depth knowledge and love for Egyptian Dance, Music, and Culture;

3. A deep, often dramatic, shift in the way I saw myself, the world, and life.


One of the most challenging aspects of living and working, as a foreigner, in a different culture, is the shock between the values we carry within and the values that...

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Three shocking lessons 2021 has taught me

I´m not going to lie:

The year of 2021 has knocked me down. Not out, but down. 

Down is the opposite of up, down and up being the two faces of the same coin, and we can only go up when we´re down. So, I´m fine. The Wheel is turning for all of us, independently of our awareness of it, and I dance upon mine with champagne, strawberries, and laughter on the side.

In this post, something I wrote primarily for myself and then, for you, I´m sharing 3 shocking lessons...

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