Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

Why Saiidi is the King of Egyptian Folklore

Joana Saahirah World
Why Saiidi is the King of Egyptian Folklore

I´m in a Podcast mood. Can you feel it?

I´m also in a Saiidi mood. That´s why I´m revealing this is my favorite Egyptian Folkloric style. And also the king of Egyptian Folklore.

 Want to know why? 

Listen to this Podcast Episode I recorded exclusively for Joana Saahirah´s Blog.

 (for more information & fun around Saiidi, dive into the Bonus Resources & Courses I´m sharing in this post)


  • Bonus Resources on Saiidi:



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Intimate Conversation on Mahmoud Reda, Saiidi & I

Joana Saahirah World
Intimate Conversation on Mahmoud Reda, Saiidi & I

There are a million things I could tell you about Mahmoud Reda, the role he had - and will always have - in my Dance & in my Life, and his legacy.


Here´s where you can start, by listening to this INTIMATE short PODCAST EPISODE I recorded for you. In it, you´ll know a bit of what Mahmoud taught me about Saiidi, folklore, and the meaning of true love for dance.

Imagine you´re taking coffee with me. Sit comfortably. Listen to it.




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