Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

I don´t know who needs to read this but...

I don´t know who needs to read this but...

In our dance journey, and in our life, we´ll face opposition. Inner and outer opposition.

That opposition comes in the shape of personal insecurities, self-sabotage, trauma, a belief system that brings us down - that´s our inner opposition. 

That opposition also comes in the shape of naysayers, critics, haters, and folks who are so frustrated with themselves and their life, they simply cannot accept that someone else -...

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A BOOST for your SELF-ESTEEM - a loving kick in the butt from yours truly

Self-esteem is one of those invisible tools without which nothing in ourselves, our dance, or in our life can grow.
When we don´t have self-esteem, we don´t know how to value, take care, present and invest in ourselves; when we don´t have self-esteem, we choose self-destructive thoughts, feelings, circumstances, and relationships; if we don´t have self-esteem, we´ll always sabotage our own happiness, success, and inner peace. In dance, as in life.
Who would want...
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