Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

What kind of Egyptian Dance Student are you?

Joana Saahirah World
What kind of Egyptian Dance Student are you?

What kind of Egyptian Dance student are you?  I mean, for real. 

Also, does it matter? (spoiler alert #1: it does)


In all these years of career in Egyptian Dance - more than 20 years of non-stop performing, teaching, lecturing, judging, and learning from every front, first in Egypt and then around the World - I´ve noticed there are different kinds of students. 


I´ve also noticed how those different kinds of students behave and how their attitude...

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Simple Things that bring Joy to your Dance


Let me ask you something:

When you think about Egyptian Dance, what are the first words that pop into your head?

For most of us, Egyptian Dance comes with baggage. Heavy Baggage.

My man was once asked, in an ushered, almost forbidden manner, if what "I did" was allowed for children.

I was often asked, at the beginning of my career, if what I did was a dance of seduction and whom, if I didn´t mind answering it, I was seducing.



When "Egyptian Dance" comes to the...

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A Major Key to Self-Empowerment - Motivational Message

Joana Saahirah World
A Major Key to Self-Empowerment - Motivational Message


There´s a Motivational Monday Message delivered to the students of 

Joana Saahirah´s Signature Course - Egyptian Dance & Self-Development from the ABC to Mastery, every week.




I do my best to address challenges most of my students face in their dance and in their life.

Here´s one of them: the use of our past and the conditions we have, or don´t have, as excuses for victimhood, mediocrity, and lack of massive action towards our goals...

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How to Elevate your Energetic Vibration

Joana Saahirah World
How to Elevate your Energetic Vibration

Energy is real. And it shapes who we are, our reality, our lives.

In this 3rd dimensional world we live in, we´ve been taught to care for the physical, the things we can see and touch. The invisible has been, until recently, a subject for witches, wizards, and lunatics.


When, on my first work visit to Ireland, I had a one-on-one meeting with spirits - the souls of deceased people who decided they wanted me to see them, touch them and talk to them - at the (in)famous Charleville...

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