Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

The Mindset of an Empowered Dancer



The way we think shapes the way we dance. And, most importantly, the way we live.

At Joana Saahirah´s Signature Course, we work on mindset and heartset as much as we work on the physical body, dance technique, musicality, and all sorts of delicious skills oriental dancers have to develop.

In this post, I´m sharing an excerpt from a Bonus Live Class I delivered at our Signature Course about THE MINDSET OF A PROFESSIONAL ORIENTAL DANCER

The thing is: it doesn´t...

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Truths on Self-Confidence nobody Told you About

Joana Saahirah World
Truths on Self-Confidence nobody Told you About


Am I Self-Confident?

We can affirm that I am. Most of the time. 

I believe in myself - my inherent value, talents, and ability to make great things happen. 

Sometimes, I fall off that wagon - big time. Life throws me a punch and I doubt myself, I go back - even if for just a moment or a short season - to a disempowered place of victimhood, lack of self-trust, and amnesia. But, make no mistake, I know my way back home.



You can tell when you´ve gone astray...

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3 Things that Instantly Change Your Life

Joana Saahirah World
3 Things that Instantly Change Your Life


The obvious isn´t that obvious - here´s something experience has taught me; something I tell my students, frequently.

In other words, in our search for the extraordinary, we ignore the power of the ordinary, the simple, what´s right in front of our eyes.


In a time when everyone and everything seems to exist at a high speed - too fast, if you ask me -, we need to slow down, take a step back, and reconnect with what truly matters.


In this blog post - 3...

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An Intimate Portrait of Mahmoud Reda



We´re on the highway, between Cairo and Alexandria, and Abdel Wahab is playing on the radio.

There´s light - a light you only find in Egypt, attached to a scent of past and hope - peaking through my window in the backseat of the car. A soul-comforting light; one of the reasons why I lived and worked in Egypt for almost a decade of my life; a return home. 


  There's me, Mahmoud Reda, and his wife, in the car.  


I´m singing...

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Do THIS today🧚


Do THIS today.

If nothing else, do it today. 

(Curious? Keep reading this post)


I can only share what I´ve become and, therefore, learned.


And here´s an interesting thing I´ve learned:

Not everyone wants to evolve.

All of us grow older - that´s mandatory - but few actually grow up - that´s optional. 



Take a second.

Yep, that one hurts. 


Saying no to growth - dance and/or personal growth - is...

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