Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

Myth #4 about Egyptian Dance (and its debunking)

The most common Myths about Egyptian Dance (and their debunking)


Myth #3 - Egyptian Dance is Easy.

Hmmm. Define "easy".

If by "easy", you mean that Egyptian Dance can be learned by everyone, as long as they can move and they´re willing to study it, then, yes, Egyptian Dance is easy.

If by "easy", you mean that Egyptian Dance is so basic it offers no challenge, no need for study or practice, no requirements from the one who´s dancing, we´ve got a myth going on.


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Myth #5 about Egyptian Dance (and its debunking)

The most common Myths about Egyptian Dance (and their debunking)


Myth #3 - Egyptian Dance is not suited for Children.

Lunch time. Portuguese food and wine (the best in the world if you put Indian food aside). My man and a couple. I was absent, working.

They wondered if it was safe to expose their little daughter to my infamous, untamed, shameful and, that was hard to admit but it was implied, thrilling profession.

- Isn´t what she does inappropriate for children? - They asked,...

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