Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

Celebrate YOURSELF, your DANCE, your LIFE


I know the preparation for the NEW YEAR usually focuses on our DREAMS and, hopefully, in the STEPS we have to take in order to materialize them. That´s all good. Though not enough.

Experience has taught me there are too many plans for the future and too little APPRECIATION for the path already walked. We´ve all been the recipient of opportunities, blessings, lessons, hardships and victories; we´ve all been given the sweet and the sour. But few of us look back to


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What the last decade - of DANCE & LIFE - taught me

Looking back has never been "my thing" unless I do it as a student. A student of life.

We may live, or survive, without gathering our bearings; we may also grow older without growing up - ever. I choose to gather my bearings and to grow up. Annualy, weekly, I´d say daily.

As we enter 2020, I stop, breathe, and look back in search of answers, guidelines, lessons learned, jewels I can take with me on my upcoming Life Chapter.

We´re starting a new decade, one I believe will be a...

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STOP postponing LIFE, DANCE, and the JOY you deserve - embrace them NOW!


The moment you stop waiting for others to bring you joy and you become The One who brings it into your life is the moment you start Living. 

We often disempower ourselves by putting the responsibility of our happiness, an inside job, into strangers' hands, failing to understand other people may add to our life but they can't make our life. Only we can. 

The same happens with Dance - "I'll enjoy it when... I'll put my heart into it if... I'll be creative when... I'll dare...

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