Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

The Forgotten Pillars of authentic Egyptian Dance

I´m speaking to you from a place of Magic

Yes, Magic. 

I don´t know where you´re coming from, if you´ve been involved with Egyptian Dance for a long time, on a deeper or a shallower manner. I don´t even know how much you desire to take from this dance or what you have in store for it - because we give and we take from it - but one thing I know for sure:

There´s a Magic in authentic Egyptian Dance that can save us. It has saved me again and again,...

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The Souhair Zaki effect



Every dancer has a moment that has changed her, or his, life; the perspective they have on dance, music, themselves. 


Some times, those turning points are negative - I´ve heard terrible stories of dancers traumatized by teachers, colleagues, audiences, employers -; hopefully, and in many cases, those turning points are positive. Dance and life changing.


I´m privileged to have several of those moments, the ones Oprah would call "ah ah moments", in my...

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Myth #1 about Egyptian Dance (and its debunking)


The most common Myths about Egyptian Dance (and their debunking)


Myth #1 - Egyptian Dance is a Seduction Ritual.
And, by saying "a seduction ritual", I´m being nice. Polite. Prudish, perhaps.
 Although I know where this idea comes from, and although a lot of dancers keep feeding it, I never wrapped my head around it. There´s a part of me, the part that knows, that can´t digest this nonsense.
Yes, Egyptian...
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What is (Egyptian) Oriental Dance?

The so called “Egyptian” Oriental dance style has often been talked about, chased and even taught without a clear understanding of what it really means.

As I assisted the Master Mahmoud Reda (search for “Reda Troupe”) on his choreographic and teaching work, I met a lot of dancers who popped out of every corner of the world in order to study with him, yet not knowing exactly what he was teaching. Was it Egyptian dance? Oriental? Folklore? What, exactly?

I often ended up...

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New Dance, New World My Vision of Egyptian Dance

As I started to teach Egyptian Dances all over the world – to dancers from different nationalities, cultural backgrounds and creeds – I realized that passing on the treasures I gathered during my life and career in Egypt was not only a question of DANCE, TECHNIQUE, TIPS but also the development of several skills that make a GREAT DANCER.

I watched myself – as well as the students – and allowed all kinds of wisdom to pass through me and guide me only to find out...

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