Truths on Self-Confidence nobody Told you About

Joana Saahirah World
Truths on Self-Confidence nobody Told you About


Am I Self-Confident?

We can affirm that I am. Most of the time. 

I believe in myself - my inherent value, talents, and ability to make great things happen. 

Sometimes, I fall off that wagon - big time. Life throws me a punch and I doubt myself, I go back - even if for just a moment or a short season - to a disempowered place of victimhood, lack of self-trust, and amnesia. But, make no mistake, I know my way back home.



You can tell when you´ve gone astray - your health suffers from a lack of self-confidence and so does your level of joy and your ability to make great stuff - your stuff - happen.

I fall off the wagon. But I know there´s a way back into it. 


I believe in the assets that bring me back home - to a place of Self-Confidence - because I have proof of them. It´s not a Vanity Fair Parade where I praise myself because I can - it´s an actionable adventure where I´ve witnessed, firsthand, the person I am, how I behave, and what I can do. Concrete reasons, not compliments or wishful thinking, make me believe I can trust myself. I have reasons to feel self-confident.


It didn´t start out like that, though.


In my childhood, I was shy. Nobody will believe it but I was. Still am. 

Although I danced, sang, and acted compulsively - me and my sister used to present theatrical sketches to our peers in kindergarten, alongside our Classical Ballet recitals -, I was the last kid on the row in classrooms; I was silent and introverted; and I always felt like an outcast, a unicorn, someone who didn´t fit in, no matter where I went.

I must have looked invisible or stupid, maybe both, because teachers doubted my intelligence and studying abilities. When the results of my exams came, I was accused of "stealing or copying information" from other students:

- You didn´t do this exam, Joana. It´s impossible. Whom did you copy from?- A teacher once told me, referring to an exam she graded as an A+

I felt humiliated, bursting with anger. The injustice hurt me - my little chest pressed against a sharp knife. I knew I hadn´t copied or stolen from anyone; I knew I was the only one responsible for that A+.

But what killed me the most was the assumption that I, the dumb outcast who never dared to open her mouth, couldn´t be bright. That cut even deeper, straight into my core where Self-Value is built. 


It took me years to recover from that childhood - from that and other wounds -; and to understand, in fact, what Self-Confidence is all about.


The tables turned when I started to study Egyptian Dance. I don´t claim it because it sounds good - I claim it because it´s true. 

As I usually say, there was a Joana before Egyptian Dance and a Joana after it. Everything in me changed - and that included my level of Self-Confidence.  

Me and my sister at our first home in the suburbs of the suburbs of Lisbon


Me, as a little girl, posing for the picture with my Ballet attire


The beginning of my journey - one of my study trips to Egypt


Image from one of the first Egyptian Dance workshops I ministered in Lisbon, two years before moving to Egypt to start my career


Glimpse from a video clip I featured in - as a dancer and a model - in Egypt


Performing, with my orchestra, in Egypt


Performing with my orchestra in Cairo


Photographed by Mahmoud Reda in his downtown studio in Cairo












Performing around the World


Teaching around the World


Making a stand on stage (theatrical show in Slovenia)


Rejoicing in/with the Life I´ve co-created


Today, more than 20 years after that first encounter and burst of transformation; after having accumulated personal and professional knowledge and experience in this field, I know exactly WHERE THAT SELF-CONFIDENCE COMES FROM & HOW EGYPTIAN DANCE ALLOWS IT TO FLOURISH.

And because Self-Confidence is a work in progress, I keep revisiting it; rebuilding it, when necessary; and using Egyptian Dance - this ancient magical practice that lives in my bones - to expand it.  


Want a piece of this Magic? 

If so, check the Bonus Resources I´m sharing, here:





And join me for the 2nd Edition of Joana Saahirah´s Signature Course - authentic Egyptian Dance & Self-Empowerment from the ABC to Mastery

(more information, below👇👇👇) 




👉If you´re ready to go deeper into your SELF-DISCOVERY & EMPOWERMENT, 

join the WAITING LIST for the

2nd edition of "Joana Saahirah´s Signature Course" - authentic Egyptian Dance & Self-Empowerment from the ABC to Mastery.

(info, below⤵️⤵️⤵️) 



  • In order to join our SIGNATURE COURSE´S WAITING LIST for the next edition of the Course, CLICK HERE  



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  • If so, JOIN OUR FREE-&-FABULOUS NEWSLETTER and be the first to receive our News, Inspirations, Offers, and special Content we only share with our inside community.  







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