Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

Truths on Self-Confidence nobody Told you About

Joana Saahirah World
Truths on Self-Confidence nobody Told you About


Am I Self-Confident?

We can affirm that I am. Most of the time. 

I believe in myself - my inherent value, talents, and ability to make great things happen. 

Sometimes, I fall off that wagon - big time. Life throws me a punch and I doubt myself, I go back - even if for just a moment or a short season - to a disempowered place of victimhood, lack of self-trust, and amnesia. But, make no mistake, I know my way back home.



You can tell when you´ve gone astray...

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