Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

Singing in the rain with the Master, Mahmoud Reda


That was our first work trip together outside of Egypt. In Brighton, the UK, a little, cozy, town with dollhouses.

I was assisting Mahmoud Reda, the Father of Egyptian Folklore and the genius behind the "Reda Troupe", in his workshops and I was also teaching mine.

Mahmoud and I, having lunch, during a break at the festival where we taught in Brighton (the beautiful and talented dancer, Orit Maftsir, is in the group ;) )


In the evening, there was a show. I performed, watching...

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The biggest GIFT any teacher can give you


Have you ever met a Teacher who changed you or/and the course of your life?

They say the teacher appears when the student´s ready. I´ve always been ready to learn; always curious, thriving for more, deeper, better. 

I´m many things - a Teacher, a Dancer, a Choreographer, an Author and - but, mostly, I´m an Eternal Student. Understandably, loads of powerful teachers have popped, from time to time, into my life.

From all the amazing teachers I...

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The Lesson from Mahmoud Reda that changed my Life




  • Beauty can be found in the ugliest places



You´ll not hear me using the expression “Master” or “Master Teacher” frequently. I rarely use that title, one of deep respect and admiration, the kind of recognition that cannot be bought or marketing-made.

For me, a Master Teacher isn´t only someone who has a deep and wide dominion over their craft. In the case of Mahmoud Reda, that´s Egyptian Dance (Oriental &...

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What is FREEDOM?


Teaching is learning twice. Indeed.

As I work on the NEW ONLINE COURSE "My first Tabla Solo - Introduction to Rhythm & Freedom" (Click HERE to discover this pioneering course), I´m invited to go deeper into dance, rhythm, and freedom. 

From these elements, FREEDOM is the trickiest and also the most important. 

If you´ve been following me and my work, you know I don´t separate Egyptian Dance from Life. What we learn for the first applies to the second. And...

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