Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

The Treasures hiding in Egyptian Dance



From the moment the Quarantine started, I asked myself "how can Egyptian Dance help me and the world move through this challenging time? "


Most people will not turn to Egyptian Dance for life advice/wisdom but I´m not most people. I´ve been digging deep into the ancient art of "Raks al Sharki" for what it feels like an eternity.

I know better. And, as Maya Angelou once put it, "when we know better, we do better."


Authentic Egyptian Dance, the one that...

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What´s the true purpose of Egyptian Dance?



The purpose of Egyptian Dance has been forgotten, a long time ago.

Yet, forgotten doesn´t mean lost; it doesn´t mean erased. It just means "forgotten", something that has been buried under the sand and fallen upon collective amnesia. 

When I think about the History of Egyptian Dance, its ancient roots and how many changes, limitations, and distortions it has endured, I´m not surprised that its essence has been left behind.



Egyptian Dance has...

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Sometimes, this is the most creative thing you can do:

I´ve always been a DOER. 

No, I´m no stranger to laziness, procrastination, the fear of failure and/or success, exhaustion. I deal with those, in different intensity degrees, on a daily basis. 

Yes, I also like to have fun, relax, being instead of producing. Netflix calls me, quitting is an option, if only for a second; I´m human, after all. 

And, still, DOING is my thing. As hard, sweaty, challenging, and boring as it may be, at times, DOING is my cup of...

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What´s making my heart skip a bit, right now


Focus isn´t everything but it´s a BIG THING. What we focus on, expands. 

Read that again: what we focus on, expands.

Therefore, I focus on things, ideas, people, and news that allow me to feel inspired, sane, empowered, loving, hopeful, human.


Here are a few things that make my heart skip a beat (in the best possible ways):


Andrea Bocelli´s Easter Concert - free live-streamed - from Duomo di Milano (follow the link to access it: Click HERE...

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Another way of looking at this pandemic...

History repeats itself.

I just came across this poem written in 1869, reprinted during the 1919 Pandemic.

This is Timeless.


It was written in 1869 by Kathleen O’Meara:


And people stayed at home
And read books
And listened
And they rested
And did exercises
And made art and played
And learned new ways of being
And stopped and listened
More deeply
Someone meditated, someone prayed
Someone met their shadow
And people began to think differently
And people healed.
And in the absence of...

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We´re living challenging times - that´s a cliché, more than a reality. 

Most likely, we´ll feel disempowered, as if we have no saying, whatsoever, over ourselves, our lives, and our future. Individual and collectively.


Now, here´s the catch: 

There´s a side of reality we cannot deny or control - the virus, the global lockdown, people sick and dying, fear and uncertainty in the air.

And there´s another side of reality we...

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My Top 5 Tips for Self-Care (in times of trouble)

Self-care has always been a passion of mine.

As a professional dancer, who´s always been in the public eye, and an over-doer, I´ve had to learn, from a very early age, the importance of taking good care of this miraculous machine I call "myself". 

It may sound selfish, vain, perhaps egocentric. I know it can. We´ve been told a "good woman" takes care of others, not of herself. Right?


A good woman knows she cannot give what she doesn´t have for herself; she...

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Tips to bring more Sensuality into your Dance & Life


Sensuality is at the core of Life.

Our senses, sexual energy, and inner fire are the ones that allow us to live, procreate, and thrive. Without them, there´s no life. In other words, without Sensuality, there´s no life.

Sure enough, we´ve turned and twisted the concept of Sensuality upside down, as we´ve done with many of the most relevant concepts in life. We´ve been told it´s something to be controlled, tamed, hidden; that we should be ashamed of it,...

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Here´s what I do in times of crisis


From my window, I see the Atlantic ocean. It´s beautiful. 

I can also see the emptiness of the street, the cars that stopped passing by, the neighbors who refrain from leaving the house. Just like I do, just like most people in Europe do, right now.

The Corona Virus hit the world and with it comes a series of QUESTIONS we never dared asking. I´m a firm believer in the flipside of the coin. Meaning: every challenge carries an opportunity and every crisis has its perks if...

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How my BREAKDOWN turned into a BREAKTHROUGH (confession by Joana Saahirah)

See the smile in this photo?                                       It took me a long time to get it - a relaxed, truly confident, natural smile coming from a sense of absolute self-acceptance. That smile speaks more than a thousand words, if you know what´s behind it. And I do.






For a long time, I drove the Masculine/Ego-oriented/Career oriented road...

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