My Top 5 Tips for Self-Care (in times of trouble)

Self-care has always been a passion of mine.

As a professional dancer, who´s always been in the public eye, and an over-doer, I´ve had to learn, from a very early age, the importance of taking good care of this miraculous machine I call "myself". 

It may sound selfish, vain, perhaps egocentric. I know it can. We´ve been told a "good woman" takes care of others, not of herself. Right?


A good woman knows she cannot give what she doesn´t have for herself; she knows loving others starts with loving herself; she cherishes the body-mind-heart-and-soul that allows her to conquer the world.


Thinking about that woman - hoping it´s YOU -, I´m sharing my

Top 3 Tips for Self-Care. Simple, straight-forward, and efficient.

In times of trouble, like the ones we´re living, and always:


1. Having a Morning Routine.

Having a fixed morning routine that suits me - a combination of physical exercise, meditation, and planning of the day - has been one of my most constructive and self-caring habits.

For me, it´s Ashtanga Yoga, Meditation/Gratitude practice, and Planning (writing my priorities down on my agenda); for you, it may look different. Create one, stick to it, allow it to prepare you for whatever your day may bring.


2. Taking care of my physical body.

That includes my skin, one of the things I´m most asked about.

-I love your skin. Which products do you use? 

There´s no big secret, really, but there´s daily care which I thoroughly enjoy.

Here are a few things I do, or never do, in order to keep my skin healthy: never going to bed with my make-up on, cleaning it with coconut oil, using organic products (no chemicals), sleeping well, drinking a good amount of water, avoiding stress (as much as possible), and massaging it, lovingly, every night.

I also focus on regular exercise and rest; ingesting healthy foods (most of the time); indulging in a bubble bath with my favorite book in hands; an occasional massage.


3. Positive Affirmations.

Saying Positive Affirmations to yourself (and others), consistently, can change your life. I mean, really.

-I love you; you´re amazing, intelligent, talented, beautiful, worthy, (fill the blank with the positive affirmation of your choice).

In the long run, we´re reshaping our brain and our reality. It´s called neuroplasticity and I swear by it.


These are my basic Self-Care habits but remember, every person is different, and you can create, and establish, your own self-care routines according to your character, resources, and needs. 

Independently of what you may choose to do, in order to take care of yourself, invest in SELF-LOVE. It all starts there: loving yourself.




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