How my BREAKDOWN turned into a BREAKTHROUGH (confession by Joana Saahirah)

See the smile in this photo?                                       It took me a long time to get it - a relaxed, truly confident, natural smile coming from a sense of absolute self-acceptance. That smile speaks more than a thousand words, if you know what´s behind it. And I do.






For a long time, I drove the Masculine/Ego-oriented/Career oriented road our societies call SUCCESS. 

For a long time, I believed I was worthy if, and only when, I produced, achieved, proved myself and my talents in a never-ending marathon that pushed me near to a burnout. 



After years of non-stop traveling for work, on the verge of rocking my 4th USA Tour, with a beautiful event in Canada attached to it and a series of work trips to European countries right after it, I got on the airplane straight to New York, certain I´d be sick. Seriously sick.

I felt drained, empty, anxious, sad, craving for silence, nature, rest, sunlight, the dreamy state of non-doing which is the natural state of BEING.

There was no external sign of sickness and I´m not the kind of person who gets sick. Never was; never will be, and yet, I knew s"$%&t was going to hit the fan!

And it did.

An infection, caused by a micro organism doctors couldn´t identify, took over leaving me with a 39º fever, immobilizing physical pain, nausea, and pus coming out of my body. 

Disgusting, scary, and life-threatening. 

I spent hundreds of dollars on emergency rooms ($1200 in a week, to be precise), doctors advised me to cancel my tour and return to Europe so I could get proper medical treatment without going bankrupted and I, being myself, soldiered on and made a deal with myself:


~~~ Carry me through this Tour and the work engagements I´m already commited to - I promise to take the prescribed medication, eat, drink, sleep and rest between shows, lectures, and workshops.


~~~ Allow me to complete this life chapter and I promise YOU - my body, mind, heart, and soul - I´ll begin a NEW chapter where BEING is allowed and enough; I won´t define myself anymore through ambition, running in the mouse wheel, or my achievements; I´ll create space for intimate relationships, breathing, loving and being loved.

~~~ Support me in this finish line and I´ll give YOU - my body, mind, heart, and soul - what you always craved for: MY UNCONDITIONAL SELF-ACCEPTANCE AND LOVE.

I keep my promises, starting with the ones I make with myself.


So, I continued to DREAM and ACHIEVE but in a format where I could remember what it meant BEING; I started shaping a life where there was time, space, and vulnerability for truly intimate relationships, for rest, contemplation, flow, breathing


Parts of my career suffered from this LIFE SHIFT - I sacrificed them willingly; others are growing because of it. Mostly, I´m growing and my work grows with me. 

Getting off the mouse wheel and starting to live isn´t easy - we´re daughters  of Athena, a generation of women who was told we have to accumulate our traditional roles - mother, wife, home maker - with the roles of the successful professional and the master of our own life. 

It´s a lot to take and an whole lot to do. We´re overwhelmed, exhausted, on the verge of a collective nervous breakdown.

There´s a myriad of pressures, responsibilities, and expenses to deal with.

Sadly, I haven´t won the lottery - yet -, my parents aren´t rich, and there´s no finantial support system behind my back aside from what I earn through my work. The Dance between DOING & BEING isn´t easy to master but I´ve always been a dancer and I´ll find a way. Furthermore, I promise YOU CAN DO IT, too.


Today, I ask you what I asked myself during my physical breakdown (breakthrough):


  • What can YOU do, or NOT DO, TODAY to BE MORE and LIVE MORE, instead of doing more?


  • What can YOU do, or NOT DO, TODAY in order to tap into your FEMININE POLARITY of EXISTING, RECEIVING, FLOWING, and LOVING instead of remaining exclusively in the MASCULINE GO-AND-GET-IT-NOW mode?


  • Can YOU honestly tell yourself "I´m enough", independently of who, where, and how you are right now? 


  • Can YOU love yourself, unconditionally,  independently of who, where, and how you are right now? 


Ay, ay, the tough questions!



Joana Saahirah

Joana Saahirah´s World Official Website


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