STOP postponing LIFE, DANCE, and the JOY you deserve - embrace them NOW!


The moment you stop waiting for others to bring you joy and you become The One who brings it into your life is the moment you start Living. 

We often disempower ourselves by putting the responsibility of our happiness, an inside job, into strangers' hands, failing to understand other people may add to our life but they can't make our life. Only we can. 

The same happens with Dance - "I'll enjoy it when... I'll put my heart into it if... I'll be creative when... I'll dare feeling the music and surrendering the moment I know/am/have... I'll shine my own light the moment I have/am this or that...I´ll open my heart when...I´ll be successful if...I´ll create something of my own when..." Meanwhile, opportunities for joy, success, and evolution pass us by 🙏

Stop postponing happiness, pleasure, evolutionary quantum leaps🙌

Go on that trip. Smile for no reason, laugh out loud, go crazy. Dance like nobody's watching - dance, freely, right now; love, win and lose and learn; choreograph that song you adore - use what you have, enjoy the process, don´t obsess over results - just do it!; jump, savour that plate of food; enjoy each of your movements, even if you're not the" perfect" dancer, even if there's a long road of learning ahead of you, even if you feel unprepared (we're all unprepared, in one way or another); get into that sea - dive into it; smell the pages of the book you're holding in your hands; be grateful for whoever you are and whatever you're doing, right now, in the present, not tomorrow-not-when-or-if, because you're alive and this life, this dance, this gift is yours to embrace. And create.

Now. Only now. Always. 

*Learn more about Joy, Dance, and Self-Esteem in the "Self-Esteem Crash Course" offered to the Members of Joana Saahirah´s Online Dance School Membership (extended SUBSCRIPTION DATE only until the 15th October).

  • Also, feel welcome to visit Joana Saahirah´s Online Dance School by CLICKING HERE
  • And check the Pioneering Online Courses we have available by CLICKING HERE


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