What is FREEDOM?


Teaching is learning twice. Indeed.

As I work on the NEW ONLINE COURSE "My first Tabla Solo - Introduction to Rhythm & Freedom" (Click HERE to discover this pioneering course), I´m invited to go deeper into dance, rhythm, and freedom. 

From these elements, FREEDOM is the trickiest and also the most important. 

If you´ve been following me and my work, you know I don´t separate Egyptian Dance from Life. What we learn for the first applies to the second. And vice-versa.

No surprise, then, when I come to terms with the fact that FREEDOM IN EGYPTIAN DANCE equals FREEDOM IN LIFE. And here I am falling in love with this art form. All over again.


Most importantly: are you FREE - in your dance, as in your life?

Let me take YOU on a ride.

What Freedom is:

  • Being your authentic self - in dance, as in life - without masks, pretensions, "crowd pleasing" concessions;
  • Not being afraid to move - erasing shame and guilt from your body; moving freely, instinctively, passionately without moral restraints;
  • Having a personal perspective - on the music, on life;
  • Expressing who you are in everything you do - in dance, as in life;
  • Knowing YOU ARE ENOUGH - dancing and living according to that fact;
  • Loving yourself and others without fear - using that love in your dance and in your life;
  • Not being afraid of making mistakes;
  • Defining our sense of self-worth according to our own standars, not according to society´s standards.
  • Taking responsibility (therefore, power) for yourself, your dance, and your life. Knowing YOU´re the creator of your reality, taking charge of it, using that responsibility/power to shape your dance and life;
  • Embracing your Humanity - flaws and all - and using it to empower your dance and your life.


What Freedom is NOT:

  • Thinking, saying, and doing whatever pops in your head just because you can;
  • Presuming you have power over yourself and others - your freedom ends where the freedom of others start.
  • Not giving a damn about the consequences of your actions;
  • Chronic self-indulgence - not showing up for your job (in dance, as in life); not thriving for evolution (in dance, as in life).


 You can tell a Person/Dancer is FREE when she/he:

  • Isn´t afraid to learn, try, explore, discover, make mistakes, and evolve. In dance, as in life;
  • Is comfortable in her/his own skin. In dance, as in life;
  • Does her/his own thing, following her/his soul´s calling. In dance, as in life;
  • Learns from others, including her/his teachers, and creates from her/himself;
  • Isn´t concerned about what others think of her/him but focused on being and dancing the best version of her/himself.
  • Knows her body is as sacred as her soul and lives/dances freely with both;
  • Is aware of the body-mind-heart-soul connection and uses it in her/his dance and life.
  • Isn´t afraid to say "I LOVE MYSELF" & "I LOVE YOU" to others, clearly and loudly. 
  • Is focused on Evolution, Happiness, and Presence instead of focusing on Comparison, Competition, the eternal marathon or the "Mice Wheel".

Does any of these items on the lists I shared with you ring a bell? When you look at yourself, your dance, and your life, DO YOU SEE FREEDOM?

As a wise man said, "the truth shall set you free".

  • Start your Journey into Freedom - in your Dance, as in your Life - with answering the QUESTION "Am I free?" 


  • Review the lists I shared with you on this blog post and see where you´re free and where you´re not


  • Join our Online Course - "My first Tabla Solo - Introduction to Rhythm & Freedom" (Click HERE to check the Course) and start growing with a group of like-minded dancers from all over the world.


I´ll see YOU on the other side of fear.



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