Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

What is FREEDOM?


Teaching is learning twice. Indeed.

As I work on the NEW ONLINE COURSE "My first Tabla Solo - Introduction to Rhythm & Freedom" (Click HERE to discover this pioneering course), I´m invited to go deeper into dance, rhythm, and freedom. 

From these elements, FREEDOM is the trickiest and also the most important. 

If you´ve been following me and my work, you know I don´t separate Egyptian Dance from Life. What we learn for the first applies to the second. And...

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STOP postponing LIFE, DANCE, and the JOY you deserve - embrace them NOW!


The moment you stop waiting for others to bring you joy and you become The One who brings it into your life is the moment you start Living. 

We often disempower ourselves by putting the responsibility of our happiness, an inside job, into strangers' hands, failing to understand other people may add to our life but they can't make our life. Only we can. 

The same happens with Dance - "I'll enjoy it when... I'll put my heart into it if... I'll be creative when... I'll dare...

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A BOOST for your SELF-ESTEEM - a loving kick in the butt from yours truly

Self-esteem is one of those invisible tools without which nothing in ourselves, our dance, or in our life can grow.
When we don´t have self-esteem, we don´t know how to value, take care, present and invest in ourselves; when we don´t have self-esteem, we choose self-destructive thoughts, feelings, circumstances, and relationships; if we don´t have self-esteem, we´ll always sabotage our own happiness, success, and inner peace. In dance, as in life.
Who would want...
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Hips don´t lie – Introduction to Baladi

I am a “baladi” kind of girl – that´s clear to anyone who knows me.

Mahmoud Reda – my dearest teacher and friend, also the Father of Egyptian Folklore – told me many times: “you are a sophisticated fellaha (Egyptian peasant), ya Joana” to express the fact that simplicity and down to earth attitudes are the clay of what I´m made of. Snobs and arrogant ass”%&#$%&s are not my cup of tea, thank you very much.

Part of being a...

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