What I Learned from Egyptian Women

Joana Saahirah World
What I Learned from Egyptian Women

After many years of career and life in Egypt, and in other countries of the Middle East & North Africa, here´s something I have to admit: 

I A-D-O-R-E Egyptian Women and I´ve learned a great deal from them. 

Want me to lift the veil, just a bit, and share the goodies with you?

Your wish is my command. 


In this Blog Audio Post, I´m sharing a few of the most precious lessons I´ve learned from Egyptian and Arab Women I met.

Grab a cup of tea. Relax. Listen and enjoy (audio post above⬆️⬆️⬆️)


P.S: Consider this post, a bridge between two worlds. We have a lot to learn from everyone. Believe me. And it starts here.


Want more insights into Egyptian Culture, Music, and Dance?

If so, feel welcome to join the Waiting List for the 

2nd Edition of Joana Saahirah´s Signature Course - authentic Egyptian Dance & Self-Empowerment from the ABC to Mastery

(more information, below👇👇👇)    


  • To join our SIGNATURE COURSE´S WAITING LIST for the next edition of the Course, CLICK HERE  


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