3 Principles of Self-Empowerment



Self-Discovery & Empowerment are essential parts of my work. They´re also, in my experience, an indissociable part of Egyptian Dance.


When I first wrote about it - in my first published book "The Secrets of Egypt - Dance, Life & Beyond" -, I was criticized, ridiculed, and not-so-secretly hated. That was in 2013, the year the first edition of the book came out. 


Today these concepts have become trendy and plagiarised.

I could tell you this is the story of my life - being criticized and attacked and then, copied - but that would make for a boring blog post. So, instead of mentioning facts, I´m going to share a bit more of what I´ve been sharing for more than 20 years.



In the video I´m sharing in this blog post (find it at the top of this post), one of the classes in "Your First Egyptian Dance & Self-Empowerment" Course, only available at Joana Saahirah´s Online Dance School, I teach about three of the many principles that I´ve learned from the practice of authentic Egyptian Dance.


They´re not the ones you´ll find in most dance festivals, courses, and classes. They´re the ones I swear by and the only ones I´m interested in. 



➡️They´ll be useful if:


1️⃣ You don´t identify with the Victim´s stereotype;

2️⃣ You´re tired of feeling tired;

3️⃣ You want to feel more connected (with yourself and with the world at large) and in charge of your life;

4️⃣ You´re a hands-on kind of person who´d rather wrap up your sleeves and do your work than bitch about how other people are lucky and make stuff happen while you sit in your corner, doing nothing except criticize and complain;

5️⃣ You´re ready to evolve and create the Dance & Life of your dreams, the one that makes sense to you.



  • Start to apply these 3 Principles and observe, in awe, how your Dance and Life change.   



If you wish to continue your Self-Empowerment Journey and start your learning adventure in Egyptian Dance, check

"Your First Egyptian Dance & Self-Empowerment" Course

by Joana Saahirah´s Online Dance School.


⚠️For ONLY $59⚠️,

you get access to a pre-recorded course & personalized feedback

that´ll make you fall in love with Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment.


Learn your first Egyptian Dance Movements and Steps, your first Choreography, and the introductory tools for Self-Discovery & Empowerment. Discover the pioneering method of Joana Saahirah - a combination of traditional Egyptian Oriental Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment.


Indicated for Beginner-Level dancers or curious minds who wish to have a taste of Egyptian Dance.







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  • If so, JOIN OUR FREE-&-FABULOUS NEWSLETTER and be the first to receive our News, Inspirations, Offers, and special Content we only share with our inside community. 







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