Only $49 for the Ebook + Introduction to Reda Dance Style Masterclass

Want to go deeper into the "Reda Dance Style"?

If you wish to get to know the dance legacy Mahmoud Reda left us, alongside his mindset and wisdom, here´s an irresistible offer: our best-selling "Reda Style" Course Bundle.


This Course Bundle includes two courses:


"Oriental Reda Style - Technique, Choreography, and Wisdom" 


"Reda Style Footwork"


When you subscribe to this Course Bundle, you get full access to both Courses, corresponding Bonuses, and Personalized Feedback from the teacher, Joana Saahirah.


Our "Reda Style" Course Bundle is AVAILABLE with a 15% DISCOUNT - Only $278 for two incredible courses, bonuses, support, and personalized feedback.


Ebook "Lessons I learned from the Master" & Bonus Dance Masterclass by Joana Saahirah

[ An intimate portrait of Mahmoud Reda, the artist, the teacher, and the man ]

Ebook "Lessons I Learned from the Master" 

"Introduction to Reda Dance Style" Masterclass 

by Joana Saahirah


In this Ebook, you´ll learn about the dance and life lessons I´ve learned from Mahmoud Reda, the Father of Egyptian Folklore, during my years of work and life in Egypt.

I reveal the backstage of the Reda World, as I experienced it, and the legacy Mahmoud Reda left behind - a legacy of art, vision, mission, and love. 


The Ebook is accompanied by a Recorded Masterclass where you´ll learn:

1. Who was Mahmoud Reda;

2. What is the Reda Dance Style?

3. My Love Story with Mahmoud Reda;

4. The major Dance & Life Lessons I´ve received from Mahmoud Reda during our 8-year professional and personal relationship;

5. Reda Oriental Dance Style Technique;

6. A short and fully-packed "Reda Style" Dance Combination with tips on how to use this style in your own dance and in your own way.

Enjoy the product of a long-term work collaboration, unique student-mentor relationship, and friendship.  


Delivering authentic Egyptian Dance, Personal Discovery & Empowerment